​​Border Allies:
​We are allied with US-Mexico-Indigenous border communities.
We partner with rural communities throughout the borderlands region to build restorative self reliant local economies. We collaborate with our local partners through conservation, restoration, education, and activism.
We support conservation and migration policies that protect human and nonhuman life in the borderlands, while encouraging cross-cultural connection and learning.
We work to protect and enhance wildlife corridors.
We strengthen relationships and share knowledge to build bridges, not barriers.
Place-based, Science-centered, and Experiential:
We are a learning laboratory for regenerative ecologies and economies, working to simultaneously restore resilient watersheds and support vibrant communities.
We prioritize training and hiring locally.
We empower people to earn a living wage while caring for the places we live, creating regenerative economies.
Our scientifically rigorous fieldwork and research employ both time-tested practices and novel interdisciplinary approaches.
We apply ancient low-tech techniques coupled with cutting-edge proof of concept science.
We are directly addressing the threats to native plants and pollinators.
We incorporate educational and research opportunities into every restoration project.
We foster an environment of hands-on learning focused on restoration skill building, leadership development, and community networking to support resilient, creative, more self-sufficient communities.
We collaborate with communities and support community leaders to design projects. with local immediate impacts to inspire the next generation of decision-makers in the borderlands.
Our educational programming honors the diversity of knowledge and history of cultural exchange in US/Mexico/Indigenous borderlands.
We work to address and uproot settler colonialism by honoring and applying the unique forms of knowledge found in our culturally-diverse landscape.
Integrity, Respect, and Accountability:
We offer and promote opportunities for engagement, career advancement, and cross-training to create rewarding livelihoods with just compensation.
We prioritize paid educational opportunities whenever possible.
We commit to providing scholarships and financial support for participants who have limited resources whenever we offer tuition-based programming.
We center inclusive multilingual communication.
We are committed to building a culture of accountability and respect by working to integrate equity, inclusivity, and justice in all of our work.
We update annual work plans with regular and transparent accounting for actions.
We design opportunities for learners with both formal and non-formal educational backgrounds.